Travel agencies in the digital age
travel agencies and tourism were among the first companies to be affected by the digital switchover. In the age of the Internet, the need to have a visible, professional and efficient website must be a clear priority for a travel agency.
The digital transition is no small feat, however, and the design of the company’s web storefront must be followed with the utmost care. The recent Thomas Cook bankruptcy in September 2019 proves the difficulty that this transition can represent, even for the biggest players in the sector.
Competition from low-cost travel, airlines offering all-inclusive packages and the vagaries of global markets such as the Covid crisis are all elements that can jeopardize, sometimes very quickly, the health of an agency. of travel.
The web agency for travel agencies.
Tailor-made solutions for tour operators and tourist organizations
Why create a website for a travel agency
Today, the challenges facing agencies are manifold. A website must make it possible to respond effectively to a number of challenges in several sectors:
- Finding new customers
The force of the war. A website is essential to automate the search for new traveling customers! Well-chosen keywords, well-crafted texts and a professional architecture make it possible to highlight your site on search engines and to ensure you visits. - The presentation of the products: trips, packages, rentals …
If you have a physical presence, your customers will want to come see you to get to know each other, for you to recommend them, for that « human » contact (the major advantage of having a physical point of sale!) However, a « qualified » prospect is always more interesting than a simple prospect customer and the presentation of the products of the travel agency on its website allows to qualify a good part of your physical customers: you will have the visit of customers who for some will already know your products. Saves time and money. - Presentation of the agency and its competitive advantages
Competition is fierce among travel agencies, tour operators and airlines. It is imperative to clearly show your agency’s competitive advantages over the competition. For « physical » agencies, this will surely go through the relational – the direct contact so important for a specific category of travelers. It will also be interesting to introduce the team. - The integration of specific tools
Finally, a significant advantage of creating a website for a tourism and travel agency is the possibility of integrating CRM (customer management), reservation, contact request, newsletter … Both for customers (for example, the customer could find his reservations, his tickets, the summary of his stopovers from a customer account to which he could connect from the site) and for the employees of the agency , which could provide customers with commercial support directly from the site management interface, or even synchronize reservations with various OTAs and portals …

What is a well-developed agency site?
Hover over the numbers on the image
- A site with a clean and intuitive design
- The client has control over the site and regularly updates the news / animations tab
- Multilingual website
- Synchronization of reservations with OTAs
- Support & SEO
Our offer for travel and tourism agencies is « all included » and includes the following features in particular
- A sitio web " Diseño adaptable " (apto para móviles), escalable (puede adaptarse fácilmente con el tiempo sin grandes cambios estructurales) y propietario : el sitio es totalmente suyo.
- Synchronization of a reservation engine or installation of our reservations engine 100% independiente, no comisionado y sincronizado con OTAs
- No restriction : you are the sole owner of your website.
- Código optimizado y declaración de su nuevo sitio to the Google search engine
- Para una mayor visibilidad e internacionalidad, los sitios creados son multilingües. El sitio de su establecimiento se beneficia entonces de una visibilidad también en el país de origen de sus clientes extranjeros. Se trata de una ventaja competitiva decisiva en términos de natural SEO.
- palabras clave optimizadas to generate maximum traffic to your website. To do this, a keyword-level study will be done beforehand, and an interview will be conducted with you to determine the best SEO opportunities for your travel agency
- Instalación de Google Analytics para controlar el rendimiento del sitio web.
- Creación de un interfaz de usuario para que pueda modificar usted mismo el contenido, los precios y las imágenes.
- Formación en esta interfaz de usuario
También le ofreceremos fórmulas mensuales para gestionar y renovar su nombre de dominio, alojamiento, correos electrónicos, mantenimiento y soporte técnico/redaccional.
Diariamente se realiza una copia de seguridad de la base de datos del sitio web y se refuerza sistemáticamente la seguridad para protegerle de actos malintencionados.
Our web offer for travel agencies & tourism
Una fórmula "todo incluido" para poder concentrarse en su trabajo
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