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Choosing a good SEO to increase your customer base

Our Hotel Web Design agency is an expert in natural referencing for the hotel and catering industry, we create turnkey sites and verified by natural referencing experts who will accompany you to maximize your chances of being the best referenced.

In this article we present how to improve the referencing of your Hotel on Google. Google is the undisputed world leader of search engines, it concentrates 65% of the market share, Safari in comparison holds 18% of the world market share. To reach the widest possible audience, you have to be on Google. For your site to be on google, it must be in the google index. In 2021 there are 130,000 billion pages on the Google index.

For your site to be present on the index, it must be identified by Google as being relevant and worthy of being presented to Google users. Google has Robots, Bots that will scan all sites and add them to index it or not. If they are not referenced, Google has a problem with the content of the page in question. Thanks to Google Search Console you can directly make an indexing request to google by inserting the url of the page to be made visible.

SEO natural referencing

Implementing a web strategy necessarily requires having traffic on your website, but to be visible on the web you must be referenced. Natural referencing is the easiest and most profitable way for a web business to gain visibility. SEO encompasses all kinds of techniques and tricks to highlight your site compared to others and come first in the results. There are different rules that you can easily follow.

The 10 commandments of SEO:

  • Have a Unique Page SEO Title, no one has used this title before.
  • A consistent general theme, use of keywords and synonyms.
  • Make the theme appear from the first page, the first paragraph.
  • An average length of 1600 words per page or article, minimum 600 words.
  • The site must be responsive, it must absolutely adapt to mobiles.
  • Add a meta description with keywords and that is not too long.
  • Integrate external links, content on your site refers to another page on your site.
  • Give a Title and an alternative text to the images using the keywords
  • Integrate external links, which lead to partner sites or articles, into your textual content.
  • Separate your texts with these titles in H1 form; H2; H3; H4 knowing that there will only be one H1, your page title.

If you follow these different points, your pages will be referenced by Google, they may not appear first but you will already be visible on Google. To really appear first on Google there is no miracle recipe, only unique, original, well-structured and quality content will be referenced if all the other steps have also been respected.

hotel website referencing

Google's algorithm

Google's algorithm is mysterious and complex to understand. In fact, it is used in the singular here, but Google superimposes hundreds if not thousands of different filters and rules to either penalise or favour a website according to these practices.

The name of Google's algo is Core UpdateIt is regularly updated, so the conditions for referencing may change. The only thing that hasn't changed is that Google is absolutely looking for quality content.

The Core Update algorithm includes old Google algo's such as Pinguin and Panda.

The Pinguin algorithm ensures the quality of incoming and outgoing links. It fights spam. This is very important for SEO, as it will punish useless link stuffing that has nothing to do with the subject of the page and favour sites that use them in the right way.

The Panda algorithm will distinguish between "good" and "bad" websites. It will analyse the content of a site and deduce whether it is relevant. This algorithm will act as a cleaning filter: bad sites will not be included in the Google index for referencing and good sites will be favoured.

Build inbound links

Once Google has entered your website and these different pages in its Index, you will then be visible on the web, but depending on the relevance of your content, you may be on the 5th page or the first result. on your side and be the best referenced, you will have to use netlinking. This consists of displaying a website A on another partner website B so that visitors to this site also come to visit site A, via a link. Thus, the visibility of the site increases and it therefore benefits from a better referencing.

You don't have to choose just any website. The choice of partner sites on which you wish to appear must be thoughtful and relevant. For example, a hotel website has no reason to appear on a clothing brand website. They are two different fields and there is no connection between the two. It would be irrelevant and the Pinguin algorithm will notice it right away and then your page will not be indexed.

hotel website

Paid SEO

Paying for SEO optimization? It is also possible.

For this, different tools can be used such as:

  • campaign Buy keywords to appear in ads at the top of pages when searched on Google. For example, a hotel located in Saint Jean De Mont can buy the following keywords: "Hotel Saint Jean De Mont" if it wants to appear in these ads. As soon as a click is made on the ad, the hotelier must pay.
  • Google Hotel Ads In addition to non-commissioned appearances, Google Hotel offers sponsored results, which rank above other results. Hotel advertisers will be required to pay a commission to Google for each click on the ad.
  • Ads on social networks: Most social networks offer several paid advertising formats such as stories or posts directly on the user's news feed. To target their potential travelers, hotels can choose demographic criteria such as age or city, but also criteria related to the traveler's centre of interest...

I invite you to read our article dedicated to Google Hotel ADS  "set up Google Hotel ADS for a Hotel


Approximately 50% of visitors enter our customers' websites thanks to the SEO work we have put in place. The remaining part searches directly with the name of the hotel.

Since March 2021, all hotels can benefit from the free Google booking link.

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Understand how hotels are ranked in Google

Setting up an SEO strategy for your hotel is an essential step.

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