Our Hotel Web Design agency specializes in supporting tourist structures in the creation and management of their website. For 10 years we have been supporting hotel managers and restaurateurs to ensure their notoriety on the Internet. Our expertise in this sector has allowed us to list these 6 best strategic tools for your hotel marketing.
Having a loyal clientele and new clients in the hotel and restaurant sector can very quickly become an obstacle course. Especially when we are not prepared for it and no marketing strategy for hotels or restaurants is in place.
In addition, your customers require constant and sustained effort. Here you will find effective techniques to stand out and gain visibility to attract customers.
Strategy 1 The website
The importance of having a good website
To attract visitors to your website, you will need to work on an optimal graphic charter, with a fluid and elegant design, fully personalized on the theme of your hotel. The goal is to give him a taste of your services with instant immersion. An ergonomic and well thought out site will increase your chances of conversion. Indeed, 70% of online businesses fail because of the poor ergonomics of their site according to data from orson. io.
These kinds of details can greatly improve the customer experience. If we analyze the typical customer journey, it will necessarily pass through your site at one time or another before during or after the stay. It is therefore important that this visit experience be positive.
The more pleasant the experience, the more the customer will be able to be loyal, to return and to leave a positive opinion.
¿Qué hay que comprobar?
Hay una serie de puntos cruciales que debe comprobar si tiene un sitio web. He aquí una lista de los más importantes.
- El motor de reservas es una puerta de entrada esencial para la conversión. Debe ser fácil de usar y claramente visible desde el momento en que se entra en el sitio. El uso de un botón "RESERVAR" es muy recomendable. Convertirá a un simple visitante de su sitio en un cliente que reservará con sólo unos clics.
- Un sitio reciente debe actualizarse con regularidad. Internet evoluciona cada día y no puede permitirse quedarse atrás con la tecnología. En 2022, un sitio de hace 5 años ya está obsoleto.
- Sensible, entre 2021 y 2022 58% de las búsquedas de información para reservar un viaje se realizaron en un teléfono o tableta, según el empresa de análisis Raffour Interactif. Por eso es esencial que su sitio se adapte a todo tipo de dispositivos: teléfonos, tabletas, ordenadores.
- Seguro, Para que los visitantes de su sitio se sientan seguros, es importante incluir la palabra "https" al principio de la URL.
- Los avisos legales son a menudo se olvida o está incompleta. Sin embargo, es importante que los visitantes de su sitio web puedan identificarle claramente, sobre todo porque así lo exige la ley.
Para su información, no facilitar información legal puede acarrear penas de hasta un año de prisión y una multa de hasta 75.000 euros.
- Cookies RGPD, para la recogida de datos es necesario el consentimiento del visitante de su sitio web. Por tanto, es imperativo enviar una notificación al visitante pidiéndole que acepte o rechace.
What questions to ask?
- Am I visible on the internet?
- How do my customers book today?
- Do I have measurement tools/feedback on my site?
- What are my big seasons, and are my offers consistent with them?
- What would be the immediate improvements? (to my site/engine?)
- Do I have control over my site? What elements should be modified immediately?
Strategy 2 SEO
Natural referencing.
Your notoriety on the internet depends on the performance of your website. For google to make you appear on the first page and even better on the first result, you need:
- Textual content that is informative and relevant to your establishment. It must be able to capture the attention of google and your visitors. In order to create a rich textual alchemy that can be regularly updated to further boost SEO.
- Partnerships with other websites that will show your direct link to the hotel website. This will allow you to increase your visibility on the Internet. For example, a recommendation on the website of your city’s tourist office, the town hall or even websites specializing in the hotel, restaurant or travel industry.
- It is necessary to have optimized code, ie clean which improves the execution of different actions on a page.
- And finally fast loading. You can modify the code or compress the images to reduce the amount of unnecessary information and speed up loading.
Sponsored SEO.
If your site doesn’t have a lot of content? Do you just want to get ahead of your direct competitors? You have the option of using sponsored listing.
- Google ads, through auctions on certain keywords you can constantly appear in an optimal position when a user enters this word on their search engine.
Strategy 3 Social Media
Digital communication
On social networks communication is very practical. It is inexpensive or even free. It is accessible to everyone and allows you to generate content and have a community. Indeed, the photos of vacationers can then generate traffic on your site and individuals will find you more easily.
- Can act as a showcase to present your services, your city, and your news in real time.
- For restaurants, bars, it allows to display the map, the menu.
- You will be able to collect data on the profile of your visitors and adapt your offer.
How to do it?
First of all, the most used technique is to plan a publishing schedule. These are daily posts planned in advance to always offer content to subscribers.
So, articles, photos, videos, promotional offers, opening or closing season, all this information can be shared directly with your customers.
In addition, there is a completely free tool that allows you to schedule your Instagram and Facebook posts in advance. All you need is a pro account, it’s Estudio Facebook Creator,it’s a comprehensive and easy-to-use tool that will save you time.
Strategy 4 Performance Analytics
Your website is a gold mine of information about your customers and in the hotel business keeping and retaining customers is essential.
There are already plenty of measurement tools that will allow you to act accordingly. This will then allow you to offer personalized follow-up, here are a few.
What is Analytics?
Data analysis may seem long and tedious, but thanks to Google Analytics everything is easier. Indeed, this free service offered by Google is used by 85.9% of the world market in 2022 according to W3Techs statistical analysis firm.
You will have access to:
- A dashboard containing all the information your website has collected.
- The number of visits to your site.
There will be two data on this, “sessions” which correspond to all visits in general. But also “users” i.e. the same person who came several times.
- You will be able to see which pages have been viewed and how many times they have been viewed. This is very useful for identifying the pages that are relevant to your audience and those that are not.
- The bounce rate is a percentage that you use to know who came to your site and left it. then left after seeing a single page, if it is high this can be explained by the fact that the visitor instantly found the information he was looking for.
You will also have access to the count of all new connections. That isfirst-time visitors to your site.
Strategy 5 Customer care
How do I build customer loyalty?
Customer follow-up consists of keeping in touch after their stay in the hotel or after a meal in the restaurant so that the customer returns and is satisfied with the service.
The goal being to personalize as much as possible the customer experience. customer contact points are multiple, it is every time the customer will come into contact with the hotel on the internet or in life.
Work on each of these touchpoints to personalize the experience from the time they arrive on site to the time they return home after their stay by the way through all stages.
- The loyalty program is suitable for hotels and restaurants but unfortunately much less popular in recent years, most of the time offers for this type of program do not meet customer expectations.
- E-mailing, in order to personalize the customer experience and build loyalty, it is possible to send emails before the arrival and after the departure of the customer and this is particularly effective.
With whom?
There are suitable tools to support you like Correo electrónico ReallyGoodEmail a free website offering email templates from many companies you can take inspiration from to create your own email campaign. ’emailing.
In order to automate the sending of your personalized emails, you can use a agency like Diseño web de hoteles which offers digital solutions for the hotel and catering industry. These agencies offer personalized support, from the creation of the website to customer follow-up, including referencing and more.
Estrategia 6 Gestión del rendimiento
Yield Management o Gestión de ingresos
Esta estrategia de precios consiste en cobrar precios diferentes gracias a un gestor de canales que sincroniza tarifas. Rápido y sencillo, puede ahorrarle mucho tiempo y clientes. Podrá llenar sus habitaciones al mejor precio.
Nuestra agencia de diseño web de hoteles cuenta con su propio e innovador gestor de canales, Booky Cloud. Ha sido especialmente diseñado para ayudarle a gestionar el rendimiento de su hotel.
Le invito a consultar directamente nuestros diversos artículos sobre el tema de la gestión del rendimiento para obtener más información:
By being present on different communication channels in 2022 your visibility on the Internet will increase and your notoriety in the sector of hotels and restaurants too.
With all of these hotel marketing tactics you are now ready to take the plunge and realize your plan. communication to attract new customers!
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