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Welcome to our article for villa owners on the subject of creating a villa website in order to develop or start their direct bookings. For more than 10 years, our Web design per hotel agency has been working hand in hand with villa owners. We support them in their digital transformation and the creation of a villa website.

In France 68.4% of the population lives in a house. In addition, 9.5% of French people have a second home according to a study by INSEE. Moreover, according to a study by, in 2021 the occupancy rate of villas in France would almost constantly be around 85% and that before the end of the second week of August, for example:

  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 83.5 %
  • Occitanie 85.1 %
  • New Aquitaine 87.9%
  • Corsica 89.9 %
  • Brittany 90.9%

We realize that villas and holiday homes for seasonal rental are in fashion at the moment. In contrast, seasonal rental apartments are less successful. Indeed, we observe an occupancy of around 70% again according to likibu.

This fashion can be explained by the covis 19 crisis which prevented each individual from traveling and spending their savings.

With an average basket of €1050 for 5.5 days of vacation in France, the French have spent a lot this summer. Finally, it seems very interesting to rent your villa during this season.

Why rent my villa?

The need for space, a large area and escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. This is what the majority of French people are looking for today. In addition, renting your house or villa as a seasonal rental can seem complicated. However, thanks to digital in 2022, it’s very simple! Villas in Brittany and the French Riviera are French favorites every summer and are the easiest to rent. We also notice a trend for villas with swimming pool or sea view.

With only a computer and the appropriate tool, you can rent and manage your accommodation on all existing rental platforms.

In addition, by doing a quick average calculation over a period from June to August, i.e. 3 months when the villas are the most sought after according to tendenza di google and with an average basket of 1050 € for 5.5 days.

We get (91/5.5) x 1050 = €17,372.70 for the 91-day rental period in 2020.


Our Hotel Web Design agency fights against the dependence of hosts on different OTAs such as Booking or Expedia. We offer websites with a booking engine to offer the best price to your customers and avoid commissions. Finally, our specialization in Hospitality will allow you to have the best referenced accommodation in your city.

The web agency for villas.

Tailor-made solutions for all types of houses.

The websites we create for the villas are responsive, elegant, up to legal standards, and above all manageable. Our customers can modify the text, images, prices and dates on their sites as they wish. We are always on the phone if they need assistance and we accompany them throughout our collaboration. Our priority is the satisfaction of our customers. We offer each new customer training in the use of our interface. Very easy to use, it will allow you to manage your business.

If you already have a site and you want to change it, we are partners with the main web service providers such as reservit, so we can integrate your channel manager or PMS directly on the site. If you don’t have one, we offer our own non-commissioned booking engine synchronized with OTAs, 100% integrated into your site and independent.

Esempio di sito web di una villa
Reservation button and identifiable contact information
Clean design
Optimization of texts for SEO

Our latest creation for a villa

Discover the website of La Villa Dracoena in Nice

  • Creation of a graphic charter in the spirit of the south of France: blue of the sea and white of the foam.
  • The customer has the hand on the site and regularly updates the blog tab
  • Bilingual website
  • Integration of customer reviews
  • Non-commissioned booking engine 100% integrated to the site and synchronized with OTAs
  • Quick implementation: about one month

Our offer for the creation of a villa website includes the following specificities

  • Un sito "responsive design" (per i cellulari), scalabile (facile da adattare nel tempo senza grandi cambiamenti strutturali) e proprietario: il sito appartiene interamente a voi.
  • Possiamo installare il vostro motore di prenotazione o il nostro motore 100% indipendente, non commissionato e sincronizzato OTA.
  • Ottimizziamo il codice del vostro nuovo sito e lo richiediamo al motore di ricerca Google e Bing.
  • Per una maggiore visibilità e internazionalizzazione, il sito web creato è multilingue. In questo modo, la vostra villa beneficia anche di una presenza sul motore di ricerca del Paese di origine dei vostri clienti stranieri. Quando si parla di SEO, questo è un vantaggio competitivo decisivo.
  • Le parole chiave ottimizzate portano più traffico al vostro sito web. A tal fine, verrà effettuata una ricerca preventiva a livello di parole chiave e verrete intervistati per determinare le migliori opportunità SEO per la vostra villa.
  • Installazione di Google Analytics per monitorare le prestazioni del sito web.
  • Implementata un'interfaccia utente che consente di modificare in modo indipendente contenuti, prezzi e immagini.
  • Vi insegneremo a usarlo.

Vi offriamo inoltre una formula mensile per la gestione e il rinnovo del nome di dominio, dell'hosting, della posta elettronica, della manutenzione e del supporto tecnico/editoriale.

Il backup del database del sito web viene effettuato quotidianamente e la sicurezza viene sistematicamente rafforzata per proteggervi da atti dolosi.

Richiesta di preventivo

Our web offer for villas

An « all-inclusive » package so you can focus on your business

Discover our article on the examples of sites for villa here

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